Forums Western Europe Netherlands, The

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No change after feedback
Alicja HERE
Alicja HERE Hi Remco! Thank you for your message. Is it still the case? If yes, I'm going to report it. Greetings, Alicja HERE
2 2
Vreemde routeberekening
Alicja HERE
Alicja HERE Beste Martijn, Bedankt ook voor deze feedback! Ik ga dit ook zeker doorgeven. Zeker handig! Bedankt nogmaals, Met vriendelijke groet, Alicja HERE
2 4
Missings road
Alicja HERE
Alicja HERE Hi Sam, Good remark! Thank you. I connected the road, so hope it's fixed now. Thanks again. Greetings, Alicja HERE
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Speed limits based on time of the day
Eric Oeder
Eric Oeder SSL (Special Speed Limit; like 100km/h from 6am-7pm) is not editable in MC. In MC you just find the general SL. Means the SSL is already in the Core HERE Database but not shown up in MC.
2 2
Foutmelding 502
Alicja HERE
Alicja HERE Beste Martijn, Bedankt voor je feedback. Het is al doorgegeven. Met vriendlijke groet, Alicja HERE
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Martijn W
Martijn W Great! I didn't know that. So, if I understand correctly. When a road or POI is grey. You can edit it. If it's yellow, just wait.
2 10
Loading bug?
Eric Oeder
Eric Oeder Hi Martijn, I will have a look. Recommendation is to use either Firefox or Chrome for Map Creator web. That is what our developers use to tell us.
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Routing/navigating wrong new N340 Zwolle Netherlands
Eric Oeder
Eric Oeder Hi Albert, please check the information in traffic layer in WeGo. That´s why the routing avoids the N340.,-7722-PT-Dalfsen,-Netherlands:loc-dmV
2 2
N217 richting rotterdam via A29
Eric Oeder
Eric Oeder Hi Johan, please consider the info in Alicja´s comment from July 29th in this Forum (Netherland) in order to be able to support you. Thanks for your understanding Eric
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A12 Gouda – Zoetermeer
Eric Oeder
Eric Oeder has been done already
2 5
N69 near Valkenswaard
Eric Oeder
Eric Oeder Hi Axel, you can see in Map Creator and already even in HERE WeGo that HERE has already digitized the new N69. So this is done from HERE´s side. But I can´t tell you when it appears in your car nav
2 2
Invoeren lichtgele wegen (wegklasse “residential”)
Eric Oeder
Eric Oeder Hi Peter, the ticket is completed according to what the Core Team told me. I will send you an email with the information of all the changes they made. As a reminder: Please don´t change higher Road T
2 11
Ontsluitingsstructuur Regio Tilburg
Eric Oeder
Eric Oeder see my reply on Oct 18th
2 2
POI bug?
Eric Oeder
Eric Oeder P&R Place should be fine now. All the other edits are still pending, many validations appeared in our system. And be aware of the ISA situation, so don´t expect moderation in a timely manner of t
2 2
I can't submit a report
Martijn W
Martijn W Yes, it is displayed correctly now. Thank you.
2 6
Viewing 15 topics - 166 through 180 (of 227 total)

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