Forums Western Europe United Kingdom Again Duplicate Roads on Acceptance

This topic contains 62 replies, has 6 voice, and was last updated by Gordon HERE Map Master (Ambassador) 6 years, 7 months ago
  • Andrew Gransden

    This is another example of duplicate roads being displayed in Map Creator when a suggested change is accepted. What is going wrong?

    Note: I added a roundabout at the end of Boroughbriggs Road, Elgin, Moray.

    Stephen Dadda

    This time missing roads on acceptance of changes.
    I have already re-added the section of Tremona Road between the 2 mini roundabouts a few days ago. after they were accepted. Now a section of Dale Road is missing following the acceptance of the roundabout at the junction of Dale Road and Dale Valley Road. I’ve not re-added this section of Dale Road.
    If the screen shot doesn’t upload post code SO16 6QH will show the missing road section.
    Dale Road and Tremona Road are main access routes to Southampton General Hospital A&E department so mapping accuracy is important.
    Does HERE quality check the work of its moderators?

    Gordon HERE Map Master (Ambassador)

    your not the only one, i am noticing many missing roads after accepted and many double phantom roads appearing too just like this one, either some HERE staff is screwing things up or there is a major bug in the system

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by Gordon HERE Map Master (Ambassador).
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by Gordon HERE Map Master (Ambassador).
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by Gordon HERE Map Master (Ambassador).
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by Gordon HERE Map Master (Ambassador).
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by Gordon HERE Map Master (Ambassador).
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by Gordon HERE Map Master (Ambassador).
    Gordon HERE Map Master (Ambassador)
    Stephen Dadda

    Hi Claire,

    Further problems following the acceptance of mini roundabouts. This time missing roads and duplicate parking lot roads. Roundabouts sitting in splendid isolation with no roads connecting to them!

    As the Discussion Board bug on uploading images probably hasn’t been fixed the post code is SO16 8HY for Sainsbury’s in the Lordshill Centre Southampton. Any update on when this bug will be fixed? Screenshots appear to upload to 100% but then disappear somewhere at HERE.

    Are the problems following the acceptance of updates being caused by HERE system bugs, by HERE moderators or by somebody making malicious changes?

    Until the problems are resolved I can see little point in making further edits to HERE maps.

    Stephen Dadda

    Just looked at SO16 6QH post code again.
    I reported problems with a missing section of Dale Road further up this thread. Today sections of Tremona Road, further sections of Dale Road (including half the mini roundabout at the junction with Dale Valley Road!) and Dale Valley Road are missing.
    I will try and upload the screenshot or email it.
    Any idea what is going on?

    Gordon HERE Map Master (Ambassador)

    Stephen upload your images to then paste the link here

    SO16 6QH is a real mess i can see at least 5 roads vanished, something weird is happening
    I have attached screenshot of that here

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by Gordon HERE Map Master (Ambassador).
    Gordon HERE Map Master (Ambassador)

    here is another one of my edits, seems a road is missing but also a phantom extra roundabout overlapping

    Greg Kaluza

    I’ve just made the edits to those roads in Southampton with no problems. All fixed now. Mini roundabouts are now connected to link roads.

    Stephen Dadda


    The screenshot links are: this matches your screen shot upload

    The post above from Greg has resolved the issues in SO16 6QH – for the moment at least – but no explanation as to what is going on.

    The roads in SO16 8HY are still unresolved.

    I have emailed Claire and hope she can tell us what has been going on when she returns to the office. Currently have zero confidence in HERE Map Creator. and the Discussion Board which is becoming more difficult to use every day.

    Greg Kaluza

    SO16 8HY resolved, as much as I could, not sure why you’re all had problem with it. Map Creator is working fine with me at the moment.

    Greg Kaluza

    Maybe adding/editing mini roundabouts should be put on hold for the moment until we have some confirmation from Claire.

    Andrew Gransden

    It is not just roundabouts. It is with all edits that roads are being duplicated or simply disappearing with the changes are being accepted by HERE. I have done changes to correct some (ie adding back removed roads). However, due to this happening several times I have left them unchanged until the problem can be solved.

    Gordon HERE Map Master (Ambassador)

    i personally would have left them as they were all missing and misshapen as only way staff can see what is going on, if they visit it now they will see it looks ok and not do anything.
    i would just leave all as they are and just report links on here of them all.

    Greg, we can all edit things fine, its happening after HERE Staff accept the edit, either they are deleting things themselves or its a bug in system.

    Greg Kaluza

    I see…better come back and check my edits

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