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time required to have added places reviewed and added to map
Jan (HERE Moderator)
Jan (HERE Moderator) Yes, under "Your Stuff" in Map Creator left menu you can track your edits and see the status,.
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Please support east asia. 東アジアもサポートしてください
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here we go error with map ver 9.01
Jan (HERE Moderator)
Jan (HERE Moderator) Thank you Saied, we will forward this issue to the dev team.
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Firefox search engine add on
Jan (HERE Moderator)
Jan (HERE Moderator) Thank you Eddy, we will forward this proposal to the dev team.
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directions to my home
Stelarys Sp
Stelarys Sp La Tradicional Belgrado 01 esq. Paseo de la reforma cp. 06600 Col. Juárez. Delegación Cuauhtémoc
4 4
How to add a new village or city to map?
ALI Hakami
ALI Hakami Thank You Juan& Jan for replying to me I just create Map Problem Report to Administrative with details hope they will added it soon also I make report with map problem earlier this month because
3 4
Want To open community for Develop Here map In Bangladesh
Hasan Shahed
Hasan Shahed Dear Reddy, Thanks for your reply. We (Myself & Mahabub Munna) are working as Trusted Moderator at Google Maps. Our mapping accuracy is so high that Google provided street view in Bangladesh thr
3 6
gpx file
Gordon HERE Map Master (Ambassador)
Gordon HERE Map Master (Ambassador) it is not possible, you have to import the gpx file to Here, then manually draw the road, you cannot do any script or anything else, you can send the gpx file to Here staff who can add it to the datab
3 4
Time dependent speed limits
Jan (HERE Moderator)
Jan (HERE Moderator) Adding Date and time modifiers to Speed Limits is not possible in Map Creator at the moment. You can use the "Report a Map Problem" function (right mouse click menu) to send us the feedback. Our map e
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Jan (HERE Moderator)
Jan (HERE Moderator) Please use the editing tools or the Map Feedback functionality of Map Creator to report the changes in your area. Our map experts will review them and make the necessary changes to the map.
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Улица Советская в Фирсановке МО
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More options to highlighting roads
Juan Jose Iglesias
Juan Jose Iglesias One important feature required are QUALITY CONTROL TOOLS, Unconnected Roads (adjacents), duplicated or overlapped roads, needs to be catched easily and quickly otherwise the navigation features are us
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OSM support layer
Juan Jose Iglesias
Juan Jose Iglesias I would like the same; Here maps are not to the Standard of OSM, at least in my country Bolivia there is dozens of overlapped (Duplicated) and unconnected roads that render the data useless for naviga
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Changing Road Speed Limits
Eddy De Clercq
Eddy De Clercq There are some mentions in the latest newsletter:
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Viewing 15 topics - 196 through 210 (of 216 total)

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