Forums General More options to highlighting roads

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voice, and was last updated by Juan Jose Iglesias 7 years ago
  • Rudolfs B

    It would be great to be able to highlight roads by vehicular access in addition to current ones (paved, speed limit etc.) :
    – highlight Local vehicular access only roads
    – highlight roads which only trucks can drive on
    – highlight roads good for pedestrian, cycling

    These extra features would give a better overview when editing in mapcreator.

    Also would like to note, that when roads are highlighted by speed limit, it is impossible to draw new roads.

    Jan HERE

    Thank you for your feedback and ideas. We already test additional displays in our internal version and will enable more over the time for the Map creator users.

    Jan Tillung

    Height restrictions would also be a good thing to add.

    Juan Jose Iglesias

    One important feature required are QUALITY CONTROL TOOLS, Unconnected Roads (adjacents), duplicated or overlapped roads, needs to be catched easily and quickly otherwise the navigation features are useless…

    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by Juan Jose Iglesias.
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