Forums General How to add a new village or city to map?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voice, and was last updated by ALI Hakami 6 years, 11 months ago
  • ALI Hakami

    i can’t find names of most villages and cities in my area there is no option to add it or make request for authorized person to do it for me. what can i do?

    Juan Jose Iglesias

    Hi Ali Hakami, in the current level of Map Creator, no one can add cities, towns, villages or hamlets; so the only way is to report those places as a “Map Problem” – Administrative – Missing City Name… As an example my Country has more than 24 Thousand Populated Centres and less than 2000 are actually in the Here Data Base, and from those many of them are just plain wrong.or miss-located. So I need to open a ticket for each one wrong and also for each one missing, and then await several weeks for someone in Here to “approve” if the city where you live is Right or Wrong written…. Liked or Not this is the “Brilliant” way that this “Map” is handled….

    Jan (HERE Moderator)

    Juan is right, please use the “Report a map problem” functionality to submit the missing village or city.

    Adding a missing village or city to the map does not only mean to add a place with the name but also requires administrative coding, adding admin boundaries and other specific attributes, Map creator does not support all those advanced functionalities. Thus an Here expert will review your feedback and add the missing city to our core map using our internal mapping tools.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by Jan (HERE Moderator).
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by Jan (HERE Moderator).
    ALI Hakami

    Thank You Juan& Jan for replying to me I just create Map Problem Report to Administrative with details hope they will added it soon

    also I make report with map problem earlier this month because the map need update in my area its too old and shade in many areas but still no response up to this time

    Good Luck and keep excellent work

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