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Where to Discuss Map Creator Edits?
Jan (HERE Moderator)
Jan (HERE Moderator) You can add a discussion via right mouse menu direct in the map at the correct location. This discussion will be added to the country discussion board and there you can discuss with other users.
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Queensferry Crossing, Edinburgh, Scotland
Jan (HERE Moderator)
Jan (HERE Moderator) The timeliness of the maps in the products of our customers, such as Mitsubishi, depends on their release cycle and delivery time of the products. Depending on the customer, this can be between 3 mont
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Проверка и передача конечному пользователю
Jan (HERE Moderator)
Jan (HERE Moderator) Наша команда экспертов смотрит на все изменения и сравнивает их с доступными базовыми принципами, такими как
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Issue with Centerline download and HERE online not matching
eva beauty
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trails vs. service roads
John Manning
John Manning For what it's worth, I completely agree. The key phrase in the description of Trail is "vehicular access is physically not possible".
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2017 Ford F-150 Map Update
Jan (HERE Moderator)
Jan (HERE Moderator) Please visit the official webside
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Reporting Discussion Topics and Replies
Antanas Lasys
Antanas Lasys I have had exactly the same experience recently.
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Tiempo de actualización de la cartografía
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strada chiusa
Massimiliano Arcieri
Massimiliano Arcieri Buongiorno Vito, il Discussion Board non è stato pensato per inoltrare questo tipo di segnalazioni, il Discussion Board è più indicato per condividere esperienze o dubbi con gli altri membri della
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Ben (HERE Moderator)
Ben (HERE Moderator) Hi Ioana, Sorry for the delay. I've responded to you over on the Denmark board. Thanks Ben
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Zoom out without touchscreen
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Keyboard shortcuts have stopped working
Jan (HERE Moderator)
Jan (HERE Moderator) The keyboard shortcuts are back.
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Edit or Remove Collections
Jan (HERE Moderator)
Jan (HERE Moderator) You can edit and delete the collections at by clicking on the pencil icon.
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Mapping roundabouts
Jan (HERE Moderator)
Jan (HERE Moderator) Hi Anders, roads connected to a roundabout should not be connect in one point. Please see attached picture. In Fig 1 you see a roundabout with connecting turnlanes (a turnlane should only be added if
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Open Streets Map Data
Jan (HERE Moderator)
Jan (HERE Moderator) Hi Walter, no, Here does not pull OSM data. The map data you see in Map Creator is a subset of the Here map data base as and additionally the contributions of our MC users (new and modified objects).
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Viewing 15 topics - 166 through 180 (of 216 total)

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