Forums Western Europe Switzerland

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False Name of the neighborhood
Eric Oeder
Eric Oeder Hello, map data in the HERE maps is correct. The example you are giving is TomTom maps. Please have a look in Map Creator and compare with data of TT. Best regards Eric
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Wrong postal code.
Eric Oeder
Eric Oeder Hello, this is already reflected in the dabase. If you right click in the map in the mentioned area you see the admin info for "Wangern an der Aare", BE, Switzerland. I suppose "Wangen an der Aare" is
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Tester gesucht!
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Golden Care
Eric Oeder
Eric Oeder Hello, it depends of what you mean with "posted"? Regards, Eric
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falsche Richtgeschwindigkeit
Georg Herrig
Georg Herrig Hallo Adrian! Vielen Dank für Deine Änderung im Map Creator (diese wurde bestätigt und wird nun in unsere core map integriert). Gruß Georg
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Legal Divider und Abbiegeverbote
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Autobahnausfahrt Moutier Süd Nord
Eric Oeder
Eric Oeder Hallo Werner, ok, vielen Dank. Dann ist es vor einiger Zeit korrigiert worden und auf dem Weg in WeGo. Es sollte dann auch schon in der Core Map korrekt codiert sein. Du musst Dich dann noch etwas ged
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Map my Summer News (Stand 7. September)
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local vehicular traffic split
Eric Oeder
Eric Oeder Hi Niels, I have got the info from the Core Map Team that the situation has been solved in the Core Map. Thanks and best regards Eric
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Vauffelin – Sauge
Georg Herrig
Georg Herrig Hi Laurent, in our map system we can give the name and the administrative coding of Vauffelin only to the built-up area of Vauffelin which starts a few Km away from your location of DTC. Your location
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Map the Alps
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Map My Summer News (Stand 24. August)
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Weitere Optionen bei den Link-Attributen
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Freemium Developer Plan gestartet!
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Georg Herrig
Georg Herrig Hello Laurent, I hope it’s fine to answer in English (otherwise I easily translate it to French) Thanks for your request. You find the mentioned municipalities with the below mentioned URLs. If you
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