Forums Eastern Europe Romania

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Octavian Borcan
Octavian Borcan Adaugat in harta. Multumim.
2 2
Round about rule, cancelled
Agata Broz
Agata Broz Roads change, it's a shame you can't always rely on online maps. For example, we were on a business trip with Oise Trade company, got confused by the maps and were lat
2 2
One way from 18.04.2023
Andreen Hall
Andreen Hall The one-way direction will begin from the intersection with Strada Viitorului and continue until Strada Vulcan.
2 2
One way from 18.04.2023
Bclub cm
4 4
Round about rule, cancelled
lisa bonet
2 2
Lots of SPAM locations in Targoviste
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1 0
Some one way streets changed (reversed way)
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1 0
Round about rule, cancelled
Octavian Borcan
Octavian Borcan Multumim, am transmis colegilor sa aplice noile modificari in zona.
2 2
RBC Gas retea de benzinării
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1 0
One Way rule
Octavian Borcan
Octavian Borcan Thank you, we will add it.
2 2
One Way rule
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1 0
One way from 15.03.2023
miranda joye
4 4
extensia cladirii si parcare supraetajata sunt disponibile
Octavian Borcan
Octavian Borcan Salut Bogdan, La butonul de ajutor poti o gasi un mic ghid Am verificat si valdiat editarile, plus cateva mici ajustari. Multumim, Octavian
2 2
Wrong directions.
Mike  Rooney
One way from 18.04.2023
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