Forums Eastern Europe Romania

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Zoom = Highway (Autobahn)?
Octavian Borcan
Octavian Borcan Salve. In mod normal drumurile trebuie sa fie conectate. Sunt mai multe posibilitati dar cele mai des intalnite situatii sunt legate de terminarea foarte aproape a unui drum nou construit sau de un va
3 4
Zona pietonala
Andrei Antonescu
Andrei Antonescu Modificarea a fost facuta in harta conform cu cele constate in realitate si conform cu cele sesizate in presa scrisa.
3 13
Wrong position
Octavian Borcan
Octavian Borcan Salut, locatia a fost ajustata. Multumim.
2 2
Wrong directions.
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1 0
Wrong directions.
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1 0
Wrong directions.
Octavian Borcan
Octavian Borcan Salut Stefan, nu e giratie conform indicatoarelor amplasate(lipsa semn giratoriu, cedeaza trecerea pentru drumurile din giratie, prioritate pentru traficul de pe Sos. Oltenitei). La prima vedere, ghi
2 2
Wrong directions.
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1 0
Wrong directions.
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1 0
Wrong directions.
Mike  Rooney
Why you repeatedly revert my changes from here ?
Octavian Borcan
Octavian Borcan Thanks for your contribution, we will update accordingly.
2 2
Why you repeatedly revert my changes from here ?
Octavian Borcan
Octavian Borcan Duplicate submission, already replied.
2 2
UVT Mapathon 2020
Octavian Borcan
Octavian Borcan Intrase fata mea pe calculator si nu am vazut. Ramane valabil ce am scris mai sus.
6 22
Unvalidate Location
Octavian Borcan
Octavian Borcan Urmeaza si ea; aparent drumul nu a fost validat corect si din cauza aceasta nu a intrat nici punctul de interes neavand de ce sa-l ataseze ca-si pozitie. Am revaldiat si corectat zona si acum ar trebu
2 4
Trcuk restriction over 7.50to
Octavian Borcan
Octavian Borcan ok
2 3
The roundabout is repeatedly reverted to a wrong position. Why?
Octavian Borcan
Octavian Borcan Hi Razvan, our team is investigating the report and in the meantime we updated the modification as notified. Thank you for contribution.
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Viewing 15 topics - 1 through 15 (of 226 total)

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