Forums Western Europe United Kingdom Trails Outdoor Attributes – Issue with Map Creator

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voice, and was last updated by Claire Robinson – HERE UK and Ireland 6 years, 11 months ago
  • Andrew Gransden

    When assigning Outdoor Attributes to Trails the menu option collapses upon each selection (i.e. Walking, Cycling, etc). This is the only menu that auto collapses like this.

    Also clicking on some Outdoors attributes cancels previous ones. For example, if walking and bicycle paths are ticked and hiking trial is ticked, the previous 2 are cancelled. Similarly, a walking and cycling trail deselect when horse trail ticked.

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by Andrew Gransden.
    Gordon HERE Map Master (Ambassador)

    for a standard cycle path that people and horses can walk on too you have to use “Bicycle Path”, if you choose “Bicycle Trail” than all options not suitable will be cancelled out as Bicycle Trail is used for downhill mountain bike paths only, these are things which are common in mainland europe and ski areas.
    You cannot add hiking to a standard trail used for walkers and bikes as hiking is classified as a hill path so would come under the bicycle trail thing as its a rough trail for extreme people. yes we hike on normal paths in uk like ramblers association but the term hiking is mainly used for extreme sports paths in europe and america.
    Remember “Here” uses terminology that is universal so not applicable to the uk as we call things different;y so at times you do need to think about how others would describe things.
    The collapse happens when your cookies is expired, delete all your cookies and clear your cache and it should fix that issue.

    Claire Robinson – HERE UK and Ireland

    Hi there both,
    Indeed – these are auto deselected to ensure we assign the correct attributes the trail in our core map which, as previously discussed in another thread, at the moment are not just UK specific attributes and descriptions. Of course you wouldn’t want top be navigated to walk on a ski run 🙂 This is to minimise as much fallout from the trail link integration process and streamline quality before integration into the database.

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