Forums Western Europe United Kingdom Private Drive being Used as Public Access

This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voice, and was last updated by Benjamin Leese 6 years, 10 months ago
  • Roderick Freeman

    I am a resident on this stretch of private drive. The only vehicles that have legal rights to use this piece of drive are those covered by the B95 6DH postcode, however we are increasingly getting inappropriate useage by vehicles visiting adjacent properties such as Edstone Hall to the west, or Cutlers Farm to the east. The drive is also being used as a cut-through between Langley Rd & Stratford Rd. We have been stopping some vehicles and asking why they are using our private drive, invariably it is their sat nav device that has directed them on to our property. The drive is gated and has signage indicating it is private property, but the intrusions continue and are increasing, of particular concern is the damage being caused to the drive surface, verges and over-hanging trees by delivery trucks.

    Ben (HERE Moderator)

    Hi Roderick,
    I’ve checked the HERE database and the roads in that area are all marked as both no through traffic and private from the A3400 to the road to Cutlers Farm Business Centre. And private access from Cutlers Farm Business Centre southwards to Langley Road. Perhaps one of our competitors is supplying the erroneous routing. Thanks, Ben

    Roderick Freeman

    Thank you Ben – the main problem we are having is the use of this drive as access to adjacent properties such as Edstone Hall. Delivery vehicles for Edstone Hall are routinely directed across this private drive by their sat-nav devices, despite the Hall having it’s own access road from the A3400., and having absolutely no rights of access across our drive. Do you have any suggestions as to how one goes about having sat-nav maps amended to prevent this happening? I have the Land Registry Title No: and details it that is helpful.

    Gordon HERE Map Master (Ambassador)

    how do you know the people are using HERE maps?, there is several other providers of GPS Maps and it could be one of them they are using, dont blame HERE when it may be nothing to do with them. It is upto you to check their data before accusing someone else.

    Benjamin Leese

    Hi Roderick

    Our maps include the access to Edstone Hall from the A3400 and the whole areas is configured so that only vehicles heading to a destination along the unnamed roads would routed down the lane i understand that you are talking about..

    Roderick Freeman

    Thank you Ben – so I’m clear in my own mind on this: does your answer mean that if a person’s destination was Edstone Hall, and they were travelling toward it along the Langley Road (from the Langley Green area lets say), would they be directed around to the Hall’s entrance from the A3400, or would they be directed down the much shorter route from Langley Rd and across our property? The latter is the problem we seem to be experiencing at the moment. Also, could you advise me as to who the other providers are that I should consider contacting. Thanks again for your help on this.

    Benjamin Leese

    Hi Roderick,

    I’ve changed the attributes of the access road from the A3400 to Edstone Hall to allow through traffic up to that building only. This will make traffic following your routing from Langley Road to go around to this entrance instead (if they wasn’t already). An unconventional fix but it should work. Further the postcodes in this area have been checked and are all correctly located.
    You could try contacting other map data providers such as Waze, Tomtom/Teleatlas, Google, Apple, Ordnance Survey.


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