Forums Western Europe United Kingdom Pedestrian Road Profiles

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voice, and was last updated by Ian Alexander Inman 6 years, 3 months ago
  • Claire Robinson – HERE UK and Ireland

    These paths here should be added as 'Trail' in the Map Creator Road Type classification, and not 'Pedestrian Road'

    Claire Robinson – HERE UK and Ireland

    Please see attached some information on our Pedestrian Road Profiles. ‘Pedestrian Road’ and ‘Pedestrian Zone’ are mainly used within urban areas to distinguish Pedestrian, Emergency Vehicle and delivery only access roads.

    Ian Alexander Inman

    Comments noted and I have sorted out the various entries according to your guidelines.

    Gordon HERE Map Master (Ambassador)

    Ian, please change all your pedestrian road in this area to trail.
    A Trail is a footpath, so if its used by pedestrians, cycles, horses, etc. then its a Trail
    A Pedestrian road is a road you get in shopping centre that has bollards allowing fire engines and delivery vehicles only.

    Ian Alexander Inman

    You mean change trails to pedestrian roads? As per your guidelines, I have made those paths that are on housing estates “pedestrian roads” and those paths going cross-country “trails”.

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