Forums Western Europe United Kingdom Note i've fixed this

This topic contains 1 replies, has 2 voice, and was last updated by Ben (HERE Moderator) 2 years, 3 months ago
  • Terry Bates

    Will probably get messed up again but look at your OS Planning map and indeed the aerial image there is only one entrance off the road… not two entrances. The road loops round to serve the 5 and 6 not to intersect with the road.

    I guess whoever digitised the road digitised the builder's road which is a cardinal sin. These roads appear in aerial views during housing estate development but are not in the plan… so what do you do, seek out the estates plan and check the OS planning map once drawn in. Normally estates are built to the sales plans else they wouldn't get sold :).

    Ben (HERE Moderator)

    Hi Terry

    Thank you for updating this new housing area. I note it’s now endorsed in the database.
    The normal scheme of things is that a new residential road will have been digitised early on from fresh aerial sources. Later as road names are added once construction nears competition any errors in the original roads should be corrected in the normal process of things. This is occurring in not just the whole of the United Kingdom but also the world so takes time.

    The other sources you mention are not used by HERE as they are protected by copyright.

    Thanks, Ben

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