Forums Western Europe United Kingdom Mapping Differences Between Map Creator on Android Tablet and Windows 10 Laptop

This topic contains 1 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Stephen Dadda 6 years, 10 months ago
  • Stephen Dadda

    I looked at mini roundabouts in Berwick-upon-Tweed that I had previously added in Map Creator on a Windows 10 laptop.

    There are significant differences between how the edits are shown in Map Creator in Windows 10 and on an Android tablet. Both versions of Map Creator were being used at the same time and no edits were made on either version.

    The Andoid tablet (with and without Beta features) is showing roads as pedestrian trails. Both Windows 10 and Android versions show phantom roads.

    Do the Android and Windows 10 versions of Map Creator access and update different versions of the maps and database?

    Stephen Dadda

    Checked the same roundabouts this morning and the phantom roads have gone but the roads still appear differently in Map Creator on Windows 10 laptop and Android tablet.

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