Forums Western Europe United Kingdom Mapillary – Blurred Road Signs

This topic contains 1 replies, has 2 voice, and was last updated by Claire Robinson – HERE UK and Ireland 7 years ago
  • Andrew Gransden

    Taking a look a Mapillary I noticed that the road signs have been processed to blur the destination names. Is this a Mapillary security measure aimed at vehicle number plates that is mis-targeted?

    Claire Robinson – HERE UK and Ireland

    Hiya Andrew,
    Yes, you are indeed correct – this is part of Mapillarys data protection effort. It is not their intention to blur the signs and currently it is inconsistent. You may find that as you jump forward and back from an image, the sign text is still visible however.
    Hopefully they will improve their blurring detection and process – as you can imagine it is an ongoing effort to process the imagery.

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