Forums Western Europe United Kingdom Incorrect Name on Road in HERE WeGo App Directions

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voice, and was last updated by Stephen Dadda 6 years, 10 months ago
  • Stephen Dadda

    I used the HERE WeGo app on an Android tablet to get the route from Horncliffe to Berwick-upon-Tweed.

    75 yards before joining the A698 the unnamed road from Horncliffe merges with an unnamed road from Norham. Traffic on the unnamed Norham to A698 road has priority at the junction.

    HERE WeGo says that this 75 yard unnamed stretch of road is the A698 on the screenshot of route directions..

    I have used HERE Map Creator on the Android tablet and Windows 10 PC and both show that this 75 yard stretch of road is unnamed. Is there a difference in the maps and/or database used by Map Creator and the WeGo app or a problem with WeGo route planning?

    Gordon HERE Map Master (Ambassador)

    are you sure your using HERE maps as HERE shows that road is unnamed, however Google maps show all these roads as 68 or A698

    Stephen Dadda

    Fair question. Definitely used HERE WeGo on our Android tablet to get the directions – even downloaded the latest version of the app to take the screen shots and make sure it wasn’t a known fixed fault that was causing the discrepancy. Then used Map Creator on both Windows 10 laptop and Android tablet to confirm that the 75 yard stretch of road immediately before the A698 was unnamed. Google call parts of the unamed road 68 because it is a cycle route.

    The reason that I checked the route on HERE WeGo was because the Mazda installed HERE sat nav in our car didn’t know about the junction of the unnamed roads from Horncliffe and Norham and just told us to turn left on to the A698, Traffic on the unnamed road from Horncliffe has to give way (road markings and traffic signs) to traffic on the unnamed road from Norham to the A698. I know that Mazda are responsible for the voice commands and that there is a time delay before HERE map updates appear on the car sat nav. We are using the latest Mazda supplied version of the HERE maps downloaded in August 2017.

    I can see no way in HERE Map Creator of checking traffic priorities (road markings and signs which tell drivers to stop or give way) at road junctions. Is this information held and can it be checked by non-HERE staff?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Stephen Dadda. Reason: correct typing error
    Gordon HERE Map Master (Ambassador)

    not sure i understand what your issue is, but i have done a simulation of route on my iGO from Horncliffe to East Ord and it tells me to turn left then turn left onto A698 and shows those two junctions correctly and also did the same from Norham and it correctly shows road and then turn left onto A698, i also did the reverse journey to those places and again shows thouse junctions correctly.

    Stephen Dadda

    Downloaded the HERE Maps overnight (very slow broadband) to use the HERE WeGo Android app in offline mode.
    Used the HERE WeGo App in offline mode to drive from Horncliffe to Berwick and the voice instructions correctly announced the junctions.
    My issue is that the HERE WeGo Android app has a bug when listing the directions of the routes. If a road has no name it picks the name of the next named road if there is one on the route. Please see screen shot for directions from Horncliffe to Norham Castle which is on an unnamed road just outside Norham and the same trip past Norham Castle ending in Norham village using the same roads.
    I have a separate issue with the Mazda installed HERE sat nav system in my car which does not know about some junctions and I have raised this issue with Mazda by email.

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