Forums Western Europe United Kingdom How to Map a Footpath

This topic contains 11 replies, has 6 voice, and was last updated by Claire Robinson 7 years ago
  • Gordon HERE Map Master (Ambassador)

    There are currently 3 types of footpaths available to use, if you want to add a footpath then please use the correct one:-

    Pedestrian Zone:
    This should be used for streets in towns, cities and villages that are pedestrian only but have bollards stopping normal traffic from accessing the area, but allows delivery trucks and emergency vehicles to access the area. Service roads should also use this type, a service road is a road that comes off a main road and accesses delivery areas behind a shop or industrial area.
    When you add this type of road, change the Vehicle access to Delivery Vehicles and Emergency Vehicles only., you should also tag the direction of travel too if it is a one way for the two types of vehicles listed and also change the speed limit to 6mph.

    Pedestrian Road:
    This should be used for a road that is for pedestrians only and no vehicles are allowed on it, but is accessible to emergency vehicles only. An example would be in a shopping area between shops like the example image attached.
    When you add this type of road, change the Vehicle access to Emergency Vehicles only..

    This should be used for footpaths between housing and main roads, paths in parks and cemetery and also for farm tracks not suitable for normal traffic but cyclists and pedestrians are allowed (however all roads to farms should be tagged as residential roads). It should also be used for cycle tracks on former railways and paths through the countryside

    If it is an official cycle track then please use the correct name for that as specified by Sustrans National Cycle Routes. Example:,-4.66037,17,normal
    In Box One enter National Cycle Network Route ##
    If the cycle trail does not have a name then do not make one up just leave it blank.

    Do not enter generic names to trails like path to beach or anything similar as is not suitable for this website, if in doubt then leave it blank.

    If in doubt what to use from these 3 paths then it is best to tag it as a Trail which can easily be changed later if incorrect..

    Images to explain further

    • This topic was modified 7 years ago by Gordon HERE Map Master (Ambassador).
    Andrew Gransden

    Very useful thank you.

    Mike Archer

    An issue that is missing here is paths with steps, there seems to be no way of flagging them as such in Map Creator. Needless to say, if you are disabled this is pretty important. Personally I’ve been labelling the section that is steps on a path with a path name as “steps”, according to this advice, this is incorrect. Is there a correct way to label a path as unsuitable for disabled people?

    Gordon HERE Map Master (Ambassador)

    I dont think there is a way to mark that and most GPS systems are the same they dont offer that feature. its down to individual person who walks on the path to use common sense if its suitable or not.
    If the path is uneven and unpaved then change the surface tag to gravel if it has that or poor surface quality.
    Your correct in saying putting steps in label is wrong as that is only for the name of the path rather than the feature.

    Stephen Dadda

    Very helpful, thank you.
    Looking at the example you gave none of the Outdoor Attributes are set for this length of the trail.
    Will this impact on the HERE search for cycle routes?
    Do you have recommendations for using these options?
    I will try and attach a screen print from Here Map Creator but have had little success to date.

    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by Stephen Dadda. Reason: typo correction
    Gordon HERE Map Master (Ambassador)

    use to upload images like i did above and paste link it gives you

    Stephen Dadda

    Virtual Hunterston wrote above:
    Pedestrian Road:
    This should be used for a road that is for pedestrians only and no vehicles are allowed on it, but is accessible to emergency vehicles only. An example would be in a shopping area between shops like the example image attached.
    When you add this type of road, change the Vehicle access to Emergency Vehicles only..

    Having read Virtual’s excellent article I went to check a previous edit I had submitted to make a section of a Residential Road a Pedestrian Road following the closure of the road to all vehicle traffic beside a Southampton school.

    Using HERE Map Creator on a Windows 10 laptop I get no options to allow vehicle access for any type of vehicle to the road. I can see no way of finding a version number for Map Creator. Do the options available depend on Map Creator version and / or platform?

    Benjamin Leese

    Hi Mike Archer,

    The HERE database does contain steps on footpaths. These become viewable (zoom in!) at all times on the app and appear on when a pedestrian route is created. Coverage is typically in major cities.

    I’ve attached a screen-grab from the mobile app.
    Thanks, Ben

    Gordon HERE Map Master (Ambassador)

    stephen what is the address?, you can message me and send screenshots through my website, just google my user name, its first link that comes up.

    Stephen Dadda

    The address is Wilton Road Queens Road Southampton.
    The pedestrian section of the road is between the Wilton Road junctions with Queens Road and Bellemore Road outside Shirley Junior School. It used to be a restricted road for buses, taxis and cycles but the bus service subsidy went and the road became pedestrian. I doubt if my edit has made it to the live maps yet but I find it difficult to check HERE’s progress on individual edits.
    I have emailed the sreen shot to your website as suggested.

    Gordon HERE Map Master (Ambassador)

    looks like they have disabled vehicle restrictions on them which is strange I will query this.

    Mike Archer

    Firstly, I apologise for bringing up the issue of disabled access on Virtuual Hunterston’s thread, I mistakenly thought it was an official post about guidelines. But, I will add that although there may be certain paths marked as steps in certain areas (such as major cities), there seems to be no way to mark paths as such in the map editor, so my question still remains, how should we mark paths as containing steps when editing the map?

    Claire Robinson

    Hi Gordon, and all.
    Firstly thank you very much Gordon for your initial post and for raising this discussion. Your post is spot on to our specifications and the accompanying pictures are also great examples…
    Mike – you raise a good point about the functionality of adding steps is indeed currently missing. To elaborate on Ben’s point – we do currently hold a large number of the stairs attribute in our database in all of the major UK and Ireland cities. These have been field collected over the last few years and continue to be included if found during fieldwork into our core database. Unfortunately we are still working on adding them in to Map Creator, and indeed the functionality for them to become visible and editable for users. rest assured, if using HERE WeGo, these will be taken into account when pedestrian routing.
    It’s a watch this space at the moment for the inclusion of steps, along with other mapping attributes – I’d suggest when coding a walkway, to also drop a Discussion Board post too outlining the walkway also contains steps, perhaps attaching a picture also to the post, as a work around at this point.
    We do take pedestrian and disabled routing seriously, and can understand the need for users to make edits also for these reasons.
    Thanks again all!

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