Forums Western Europe United Kingdom Incorrect Name on Road in HERE WeGo App Directions Reply To: Incorrect Name on Road in HERE WeGo App Directions

Stephen Dadda

Downloaded the HERE Maps overnight (very slow broadband) to use the HERE WeGo Android app in offline mode.
Used the HERE WeGo App in offline mode to drive from Horncliffe to Berwick and the voice instructions correctly announced the junctions.
My issue is that the HERE WeGo Android app has a bug when listing the directions of the routes. If a road has no name it picks the name of the next named road if there is one on the route. Please see screen shot for directions from Horncliffe to Norham Castle which is on an unnamed road just outside Norham and the same trip past Norham Castle ending in Norham village using the same roads.
I have a separate issue with the Mazda installed HERE sat nav system in my car which does not know about some junctions and I have raised this issue with Mazda by email.