Forums Western Europe Italy wrongmaps in this are

This topic contains 1 replies, has 2 voice, and was last updated by Paolo Rigato 4 years, 9 months ago
  • Adrian Marcu

    I am using Here's maps with Igo Primo navigation software. In the area between SP78 and the new street SP569 the routing is giving always the wrong path ; this is because on IGO maps the street SP78
    is still continuous to the city of Bazzano, but the real situation at this point is different: SS78 was interrupted from both side of new SP569.

    The same situations is available for more "small streets" which are crossing with SP569.
    Please check and do corrections for Igo Primo maps for these areas.

    Paolo Rigato

    Hi Adrian,

    Not sure if you want us to switch to Italian, but English is fine 🙂
    Normally most of the updates to HERE maps are possible for every registered user on our HERE Map Creator. In this case though, your remark refers to a so-called Protected Road, which geometry is editable by HERE team only. Therefore, we will escalate your remark to our technical team for proper update.

    Please be aware that the we do not specifically update maps of our customer, as the map platform is only the HERE Technologies one. This means that we cannot guarantee for our customers to promptly update their version: this depends on their strategy and updating plan.

    To check for your remark to be updated by HERE, please wait 7 to 10 days and check our HERe WeGo page on the web.

    Thanks a lot,


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