Forums Middle East and Africa Morocco Whay validation takes a lot of time ?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voice, and was last updated by khalil bichri 7 years, 1 month ago
  • khalil bichri

    Whay validation process is too long ? I already visited this place many times, and it is already in Google Maps ?
    Still have no explantation !!

    Said Ennassiri

    Hello Dear,
    thanks for your input!
    there is lot of criteria for changes validation ( user profile trusted or not, number of edits, active user or not….) and we are proceeding per priority.

    i will check your edits and validate it.



    Said Ennassiri

    Hi Dear Khalil,

    your edits were validated.
    i will add you to a trusted group, keep delivering the good job! 🙂


    khalil bichri

    Thank you very much Mr Said for your trust.

    I use here every day, and of course i’ll keep the good job to make it even better 🙂

    Have a nice day !

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