Forums General Waiting for approval of map updates / corrections

This topic contains 11 replies, has 6 voice, and was last updated by Andy G 3 years, 1 month ago
  • Phil Mercurio

    I have made a number of map updates/corrections 3 to 4 months ago and I am still waiting for them to be approved. The addresses are 1900 and 1888 Bayview Ave in Toronto, Ontario Canada. Can someone approve these soon ?

    Andy G

    I also have this problem; but in the US. I have about 80 edits, which most are for added roads, that have not been approved in Shelby, NC. Someone, please help.

    Phil Mercurio

    We cannot be the only people waiting for updates to be approved? Can someone help us?

    Yves WI


    Same Issue for me !

    Jan (HERE Moderator)

    Hi all,

    Thank you very much for your feedbacks and edits in Map Creator.

    Unfortunately, we are still facing resources issues for reviewing all user edits. This is still based on the COVID-19 effects. We do our best to process the open contributions in the next couple of weeks.

    Thanks a lot for your patience!
    Kind regards,

    Andy G

    I have checked my feed, and most of my road edits say they are “in review”. Adding roads through satellite and simply verifying if it’s publicly accessible through mapillary or HERE vehicle imagery is that hard to do? I understand that you add extra info like lanes, turn restrictions, but that’s not so difficult, is it? Anyways, I mostly add parking lot roads, so its not very important to have extra info. When I checked my POI edits feed, 80% of them were reverted, and I mostly just move them to where they are supposed to be, not in the middle of nowhere. My edits from 1 YEAR ago for both buildings and addresses haven’t been approved, and half of them aren’t even in review. I also understand the impact about covid, but that doesn’t mean you can just categorize our contributions as low priority. The only 2 reasons why I am doing this is because my Ford vehicle is using your maps and its only 1 update per year, so its kinda important to me, and I like your new here wego beta app.

    Andy G

    FYI, the majority of my edits are in Shelby, North Carolina, US.

    Andy G

    Hi Jan, aren’t you being paid for being moderator? How about you guys take your money back to HERE and say “We’re too lazy to do our job, so here’s your money”, because it’s too obvious you’re not.

    Andy G

    Jan, I don’t understand what you mean by “resources”, If I don’t need to go to HERE offices and go add missing roads there, why can’t your employees that aren’t going to your offices do it at home with their laptop or PC? You and HERE is just making things difficult for EVERYONE.

    Çağan Kota

    I don’t have a problem like this, my edits are approving in just few days. But the problem, I don’t see my edits in real maps even the edit was 2 months ago

    Andy G

    Is the indicator on the bottom left corner of the website when you have a road or POI selected green, orange or gray? All of my edits are orange, which means they are waiting for approval.

    Andy G


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