Forums Eastern Europe Slovakia Vrstva GPS trasy

This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voice, and was last updated by Erling Haaland 1 month, 3 weeks ago
  • Tomas On

    Dobrý deň, napriek tomu, že povolím GPS vrstvu, nevidím zmenu. Teda nevidím žiadne “nové” čiary, ktoré by pribudli na mape. Ani na frekventovaných cestách (ďiaľnice). Môžem vidieť len svoje? Musím ich najprv nahrať?

    HERE Map Creator Konstantina Kokkalis

    Hello and please accept our sincere apologies for the late reply; We’d hoped to get back to you sooner, but due to system issues, we do not receive notification for topic submissions. This makes it hard for us to trace them all on time. Our company is working on improving this. Do you still have issues?


    ava james

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    Thomas Frank

    You can try zooming in and out to see if the lines contexto appear at different zoom levels.

    Erling Haaland

    Pre zobrazenie GPS trás musíte najprv backyard baseball nahrať vlastné údaje. Verejné trasy sú viditeľné len ak sú zdieľané ostatnými používateľmi.

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