Forums General Update to maps

This topic contains 7 replies, has 5 voice, and was last updated by Ethan Campbell 4 years, 4 months ago
  • Jill Swann

    Can you please advise whether the address we added has been updated?

    Jill Swan

    Ya G


    I have the same question. I updated two months ago the map in my neighbourhood: New roads ,a new petrol station, and so on.

    The changes do show in map creator on the web. But it still does not appear on the iphone app. How come ? Should I do something to get an updated map on my iphone ?


    Jan (HERE Moderator)

    Hi Jill and YA G, thank you for your contributions. The changes in Map Creator will be reviewed and verified from our HERE professionals. After integration in our core database the changes will also be released in our products. Depending on the product it will take some time (between 2 weeks for or website and up to 6 month for some In Car Nav systems). The release cycle for HERE iOS app is 3 month and next update will be rolled out mid of November.

    Jill, your changes have been ingested in our core database July 15th.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Jan (HERE Moderator).
    Ya G

    Jan, many thanks for providing some clarity.
    Since the release cycle for iOS is 3 months, that explains why my changes from 2 months ago don’t appear yet. Another couple of weeks to wait then.

    Is the release cycle for the Android app the same ?

    Jan (HERE Moderator)

    Yes, for Android also 3 month.

    D.J. Veldman

    In de kaart van Amsterdam worden fietspaden vaak aangegeven als trail. Trail past niet in een stedelijke omgeving.
    Mij lijkt het goed om een consequente aanduiding voor fietspaden te geven: ofwel “pedestrian road/ good for cycling” of “pedestrian zone/ good for cycling”. Dit kan afhangen van de locatie. Deze omschrijvingen dekken in Amsterdam het gebruik van de fietswegen het beste.

    Cycling road kan namelijk niet gekozen worden…


    Ya G

    I’m disappointed. The Here app has updated the maps on my iPhone on the 15th November, as Jan Husung indicated.

    However, none of the changes I reported in the last 2 months showed up. They do appear in the map, but not on my iphone.
    Example: this exit from the highway Abu-Dhabi Al Shahama and the local access (“Muzera”).,54.57085,17,normal
    For 3 months, I’ve been taking this road every day to go back home, and it’s still not on my iphone.

    There is no point in me reporting additional changes on the map if they never make it to the Here app..

    Ethan Campbell

    In the map of Amsterdam, cycle paths are often indicated as a trail. Trail does not fit in an urban environment.
    I think it would be good to give a consistent indication for cycle paths: either “pedestrian road / good for cycling” or “pedestrian zone / good for cycling”. This may depend on the location. These descriptions best cover the use of bicycle roads in Amsterdam. expert dissertation writing service

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