Forums Eastern Europe Lithuania Unmaintained road

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voice, and was last updated by ava james 1 year, 4 months ago
  • Vilius Simonaitis

    This road is unmaintained and very difficult to pass. it should not be picked when navigating From Vilnius to Petesos st.

    Tamás Máthé

    Hello Vilius,
    Setting the road attributes to
    – speed category <11km/h
    – road surface: unpaved
    – local vehicular traffic only
    should help the navigation to avoid this section.
    I did it now for the mentioned road section. Please wait while the changes appear in your nav system(s).
    Thanks for your contribution!
    Tamás Máthé
    HERE Team

    Vilius Simonaitis

    It should be marked as “Poor surface quality”. This segment of the road is barely used is unmaintained. I’ve been marking this road as “poor” myself couple of times, but the setting gets reset after some time.

    Natalia Krivenok

    Hi Vilius,

    i’m confirmed attribute for the road segment that You have set. Due to current coding in Database this segment will be avoided for navigation.
    thank you!

    ava james

    I am glad to see it thanks for sharing this. check this lightinthebox discount code

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