Forums Western Europe Switzerland Street can't be found.

This topic contains 13 replies, has 4 voice, and was last updated by Arturs Mikitovs 3 years, 7 months ago
  • Arturs Mikitovs

    I edited street Riedgarten Dubendrof ZIP Code 8600. But in search, the street can't be found. Nor the houses. Why when I input street name and zipcode it is not recognized? How to fix it as fast as possible? Is it possible to make so that these streets I created is added to zipcode 8600 and in search they ar found too?

    Georg Herrig

    Hello Arturs, thank you for your edits. All edits in Map Creator go through a moderation process before it is integrated into our HERE base map. Your edits are not moderated yet (will happen soon but we have some backlog now), so you cannot find it in the search field. We have described this in more detail in a blog post: Thanks

    Arturs Mikitovs

    Hi Georg Herrig.

    Thanks for your answer. Is know when the street could be implemented and gone through the moderation process?

    Georg Herrig

    Hi Arturs, can you please have a look at your edit again: the speed limit is unset: do you know which speed limit is valid there? And the roads around these new roads are all set to “Local vehicular traffic only”, this should also be valid for Riedgarten. Can you check this please? Thanks

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Georg Herrig.
    Arturs Mikitovs

    Good day.

    Thanks for the information. The changes have been made.

    Best regards,
    Arturs Mikitovs

    Arturs Mikitovs


    Are there any other issues with the created streets?
    Since we still can’t find them, they are not searchable.

    Best regards,

    Eric Oeder

    Hi Arturs,
    reason is that they are not yet part of the lists that the search engine is using. This might take a while.
    Please check also the results of your edits in WeGo later on.

    Thanks and best regards

    Arturs Mikitovs

    Good day.

    The street still is not searchable. Are there some issues with the created streets?
    Or we still, need just wait for street validation?


    Eric Oeder

    did you check the status of your edits? Of course, this is mandatory for the rest of the process.
    Your stuff>Your Feed, left side next to the map.

    Best regards, Eric

    Arturs Mikitovs

    Good day.

    In our company, there is still an issue and error with Riedgarten street. It still is not available and not searchable, it doesn’t show up when we try to search it. In my Feeds, I don’t see that street anymore.
    But I see that someone has created over the Riedgarten street another street, Zwicky-strasse|Riedgarten. But it isn’t searchable either.
    Could you please explain what has been done wrong? What should we do to fix this and the street could be searchable and confirmed? Since this involves our business work and for a long time, there is an issue with this street.

    Best regards,

    Eric Oeder

    you can figure out the status of the road segments by the status indication at the bottom of the attribute window after clicking on the single links. We see that there are different moderation stati at the moment (in process, approved,, integrated). Nevertheless, as I mentioned above, it takes a while until the new roads and streets are really searchable in the end.

    Best regards

    Arturs Mikitovs

    Thank you for information missed that. But yes, this street is Under Review almost 6 months already and after that someone added a new street over already existing. I fixed that. But is there possibility to speed up the process of street review? Because company is using the HERE API for systems and right now there are issues.
    Would be nice to know is there possibility to increase the speed of street integration.
    Unfortunately this isn’t the only street colleagues have been added and almost 6 months already have passed but streets still is Under Review.

    Best regards,

    Eric Oeder

    Hi Arturs,
    unfortunately, we are having a huge backlog of edits to be moderated still. This is because of the Pandemic and we are sorry to inform about that. We have mentioned that already some months ago in the MC posts (“What´s new?”)
    Please send us a mail to the known email-address for further clarification, thanks.

    Best regards

    Arturs Mikitovs


    You contact me on email for further clarification. Thank you for information.

    Best regards,
    Arturs Mikitovs

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