Forums Oceania Australia School Zones

This topic contains 56 replies, has 48 voice, and was last updated by essen deinki 1 week, 2 days ago
  • Peter Clinch

    It’s a long time since I last used Map Creator. The last time I used it, I could see school zones, but couldn’t edit them. This time I can’t see any school zones when using map creator. Is there a way to display school zones?

    Bernice Stalley

    Hi Peter,
    Welcome back to Map Creator. School zones and other special speed situations (such as variable speed zones, weather dependent, advisory, etc) are coded within the HERE map however are not editable within Map Creator.
    You can display legal speed limits using the speed limit display in the bottom right corner. (Highlight roads by speed limit).
    When you say: ‘I could see school zones, but couldn’t edit them.’ Do you mean street level imagery? School zone icons are a great idea for inclusion (however, we’ve never had them in Map Creator). They will however display when using the HERE applications or in devices powered by the HERE map at the appropriate times.

    If you would like to report a map update for a school zone, the best solution is to zoom to the location and use the ‘Report a map problem’ option. Alternatively, send us an email at

    Peter Clinch

    Hi Bernice,
    The last time I used Map Creator, School Zone icons were visible, I know this because I tried to move them to the correct positions around Bray Park High School, and then found that school zones can’t be edited. I reported the incorrect position of the school zone, and some changes have been made, but the icons are still not in the correct places.

    There are so many speed limit errors in Here Maps, that I don’t trust any speed limit that is displayed on the Hema. I don’t have time to sit down and update maps every time I get home.


    Melissa Dorn

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    White Cameron

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    Marilyn K

    Hello Peter,
    I also want to become a map creator and in order to become a map creator I have been doing online courses at Heimdal Security for 8 months and after some time it will be completed and I will make a map creating a project at the end of the course.

    Sufia Arsala

    School zones are one of the factors that are more responsible for killing kids in a car crash. When a driver has to slow down due to the school zone, a child standing on the side of the road gets caught unawares and starts running towards his destination. Say SEO Service in Pakistan the driver might not notice the child in time and cause an accident. Therefore, it is always wise to be very cautious when driving through a school zone. Here are a few tips that would help you to be more careful in a school zone.

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    Cheri Crystal
    Peter Clinch

    Doesn’t anyone moderate this board? Most of the posts in this topic are spam!

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