This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voice, and was last updated by Jan HERE 5 years ago
  • Juan Jose Iglesias

    Now and suddenly, looks like mostly of the roads in my country are off-set around 25 meters to the left of the actual satellite images.Is there a way to correct the off-set or I will need to edict every road the the actual image position?

    Shona Chisholm

    Hello Juan, What country are you based in? We can direct you to the local team there for advice.

    Gordon HERE Map Master (Ambassador)

    all countries are the same, uk for one, have noticed it in bolivia, america, poland, norway, its worldwide not just one place

    Juan Jose Iglesias

    Based in Bolivia, looks like is general to all the areas of my country, has not reviewed other countries. Correcting a whole country of the off-set will not be fun at all…

    Alex Ehrlich

    Still no answer since 2019?

    Jan HERE

    We are updating our satellite imagery regularly. The main roads in each country are also driven with GPS and IMU systems thus there location is correct. There is no need to always adjust a road to the imagery when the off-set is not too big.

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by Jan HERE.
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