Forums South East Asia Malaysia Road Type

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voice, and was last updated by Sirikanya Rattanawilai 6 years, 5 months ago
  • Pojie Lfc

    May i know why my edit did not accepted here?

    sirikanya rattanawilai

    Hi Fauzi, May i know whats your edits on this area? i didnt see any edits.
    or its been accepted.

    sirikanya rattanawilai

    i got you. Will check your update and get back to you.
    Thanks Fauzi!

    Pojie Lfc

    The area I am editing is around the island of Federal Territory of Labuan, Malaysia.
    Thanks Sirikanya.

    sirikanya rattanawilai

    please give me sometime to find out the issue.
    Meanwhile, the missing road(Small road) in Labuan also is waiting for your edits. 🙂
    Thanks, Sirikanya

    Sirikanya Rattanawilai

    Hi Fauzi,
    According to HERE specification and the official source from Highway Department., Road 703 has been coded correctly and it cant be upgraded level as same as Road 704 which also have been corded correctly by referring to same source.. That’s why your update has been rejected.
    please let me know if you need more clarification.

    Thanks, Sirikanya

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