Forums Western Europe Portugal Only turn right

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voice, and was last updated by Pedro Conceicao 6 years, 8 months ago
  • Juanma Anera

    when entering Avenida de Moscavide, you're only allowed to turn right, towards the roundabout.

    Luis HERE

    Hello Juas Mi this task can be done directly in Map Creator, just select the road you want and pick the node, this will activate the turn permissions and restrictions.
    Please check attached image.


    Juanma Anera

    Thanks Luis!

    Bruno D. Rodrigues

    For reference and sharing information that was given to me: as Avenida de Moscavide (the horizontal one) is marked as having a central separator (the dotted line along the segment), there is no need to manually set the “no turn left” coming from south, nor the “no turn left” coming from east to south.

    Pedro Conceicao

    Indeed Juas Mi the central divider is already implemented in our Maps.

    Pedro Conceição
    Here MapCreator Portugal

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