Forums Western Europe Germany Missing roundabout

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voice, and was last updated by chris paul 7 years, 1 month ago
  • chris paul

    In the next weeks a new roundabout will be opened here at B26/ Hanauerstraße, which will be connected to the roundabout on the other side of the railway.
    Since B26 is a protected road, please make authorized changes to it. You can have a look at OpenStreetMap, there all the new roads are already visible:
    Changes will also be visible here at the site of the district government:

    Eric Oeder

    thanks a lot for this information. I will forward this info to the team of GeoAnalysts which will take care of this.
    Best regards, Eric

    Eric Oeder

    the roundabout has been digitized in the Core Map and is visible now in MC also.
    Best regards, Eric

    Michael Schmerbauch


    the new roundabout will be opened at 10.07.2017

    Eric Oeder

    thanks for the info.
    The roundabout is now part of our Core Map and will be in the next updates for all the customers and WeGo. Which map update is taken by which customers that´s out of my area and experience.
    Best regards, Eric

    chris paul

    Haha, just came here to tell that the roundabout will be opened on 10.7., but as i can see now, everything is fine already and the date is already mentioned 😀
    Thank you so much for this very quick update!

    Edit: Wow, just realized who commented on my issue :O
    Mr. Schmerbauch, several years ago I did some days of internship at the Stadtplanungsamt 😉
    Very happy to see that you are caring about third party map updates!
    Best, Björn B.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by chris paul.
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