Forums Oceania Australia Map Creator Not Working

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voice, and was last updated by John Powell 4 years, 3 months ago
  • John Powell

    I anyone else having a problem?
    What I see is:
    It starts in Germany,
    Statistics have not been updated since Feb 13,
    ‘Your Feed’ is blank – no history,
    Edits to roads don’t save, it sits there forever trying to save,
    The ‘What’s on the Map’ window sits over the ‘Save’ Pop-up making it difficult to use it.
    The Road lines Layer is way too thick obscuring the image underneath.

    John Manning

    Hi John,
    Yes, it starts in Germany for me too. “Your Feed” seems to be stuck in an endless loop trying to update but did finally complete and seems to be up to date.
    BTW, I had no problems using the app on the iPhone to make edits earlier.
    I can try again later to check the other points you mention.

    John Powell

    I am using a Windows 10 PC and believe there are different versions for PC/Apple/iphone/Android.
    The other annoying thing is that Telstra gave me huge amount free extra data and I cannot use it.

    John Manning

    My comments related to Windows 10 too. I just mentioned the iPhone app as it was tested separately.

    Start watching some movies if you really want to burn through that data 😉

    Kevin Hutchison

    Yes I too am running W10 have found the new update more responsive all my edits have been acknowledged in the “Your Feed” Menu, with the exception of Highly Protected Roads as per the “What’s New Tag” explanation ie Bruce Highway speed downgrade to 60kph north of Mackay..

    Initially there was a delay before the updates started to show.

    I do have;
    1. the startup map in Frankfurt,
    2. The “What’s on the map” centre top over the “Undo Save Cancel” drop down

    The road line obscuring is overcome with the ctrl/alt + or – to change the transparency.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Kevin Hutchison.
    John Powell

    I think I have worked out why the thickness of the roads is too wide, it is because when you zoom in or out the thickness of the line stays the same. It used to change with the zoom level.
    Maybe that needs to be addressed.

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