Forums Oceania French Polynesia Map Creator gives me an error when trying to map this region.

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voice, and was last updated by Samuel O’Brien 1 year, 2 months ago
  • Claudio Smith

    Map Creator gives me an error when trying to map this region.

    Claudio Smith

    There was a problem It’s possible that your last changes weren’t saved as a result.

    Please continue editing and try saving again.
    Reference: be8ad27a12642a82b7c5faa390d6175a593e984fa1b705.73922664|86MZ0OBobSCH00006YHi
    Code: B01

    Shona Chisholm

    Hi Claudio, I’ve added you to the Pacific Islands Map Creators Community group to see if that makes a difference. Did you get the error when manually saving, or the auto-save function?

    Ewan Lewis

    The error relates (usually) to when the user edited road falls outside the rough HERE defined country/island land border.
    The HERE employees need to fix.

    Samuel O’Brien

    If Google Maps isn’t working, you can usually solve your issue in a few different ways. You may need to update your Google Maps app, connect to a stronger Wi-Fi signal, recalibrate the app, or check your location services.

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