Forums General Kosovo sub-forum

This topic contains 8 replies, has 5 voice, and was last updated by Milica Cica 5 years, 2 months ago
  • ntom s

    Can you please add Kosovo sub-forum and open Kosovo map for edits. I’ve applied for editing rights and I’ve got no response whatsoever for 2 weeks now. It’s frustrating to see this kind of negligence when you have apparently opened to the community and want their help.

    I can give a lot of feedback and accurate data. I’m seeing recent changes that are not correct but there are no means for the community and people who have the knowledge to give general guidance and feedback.

    I’ve also sent an email to the support with some product improvements. They couldn’t care less to respond.

    Jan (HERE Moderator)

    Thank you very much for your kind support. We are working to open Kosovo for editing and will notify our users in that case.

    ntom s

    Jan thanks for your answer, even though I think it’s very counter-productive this delay in the feedback loop.

    Regarding the map: is there at least a contact I can reach in the meantime to give feedback on improving the map?

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 12 months ago by ntom s.
    Milica Čiča


    We would be very happy if you give us feedback and help improving map of Kosovo.

    Please write us on and the team will implement changes according to our specifications.

    HERE Map Creator team

    ntom s

    Thanks, Milica. I will surely do.

    ntom s

    Milica, can you please confirm that you got my email and it wasn’t by some chance caught in your spam filters? I’ve sent one on 30/7.

    Milica Cica

    Good morning!

    Yes, email has arrived and big THANKS for all inputs.

    Now, we need some time to process all the information. and YES you got rights to edit in Kosovo map.

    Will be back very soon to you!

    Partin Pruthi

    Hey Milica, or someone else at Here Maps,

    Could you also give me rights to Edit the Kosovo map?


    Milica Cica

    Hi Partin,

    Yes, for sure, just send me email to with request to access database in Kosovo.

    Best regards,

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