Forums General Issues when multiple road segments are edited at the same time.

This topic contains 1 replies, has 2 voice, and was last updated by Jan (HERE Moderator) 6 years, 8 months ago
  • Rudolfs B

    I have encountered issues (software bugs) when tying to edit multiple road segments together (selected by holding SHIFT key).:
    1) When changing road type (for example from residential road to trail), the Road attributes window doesn’t update to reflect the correct attributes for the new road type (get’s stuck with the attribute types for the previous road type). To resolve this currently I have to deselect the road segments and select them again, which takes more time (and clicks).
    2) Also it’s not possible to delete multiple segments. Each segment has to be selected and deleted separately..
    3) It’s not possible to change driving direction for multiple segments at once. Would be great if this was possible similarly to speed limits.

    Jan (HERE Moderator)

    Thank you for your report. We will look into the issues.

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