Forums Oceania Australia Inaccuracies in my Bray Park Queensland

This topic contains 8 replies, has 4 voice, and was last updated by Peter Clinch 7 years, 1 month ago
  • Peter Clinch

    There are a number of inaccuracies on this road. Here maps have a School Zone on Old North Road at Bray Park High School, but the school Zone is on Lavarack Road, NOT Old North Road. Is there a way to move the school zone to the correct road?

    There are no limits listed at all for many roads in our area.


    Ewan Lewis

    Hi Peter,

    Until Shona (from Here) replies I can tell you that Here Map Creator users don’t have access to change school zone data/locations. This change can only be done by the HERE employees. Please provide specific location for HERE. Exact coordinates are probably helpful in this case.

    Re Speed Limits in your area. I randomly looked at 10 sections of roads in Bray Park, Qld (Brisbane) and in all cases I noted speed limit data within MapCretaor. To assist the HERE folk please provide specific road names & sections of roads so they can assist you further.

    Re speed limits it is very unusual for there not to be speed limits set on urban roads & highways. But from my experience many small rural roads throughout Australia still need to have speed limit data attributed to them.

    Hope this helps you a little.

    BTW I’m not a HERE employee, just one of the experienced HERE contributors in Australia.


    Peter Clinch

    Thanks Ewan,
    The correct school zone for Bray Park High School is between 27°18’00.3″S 152°57’40.2″E and 27°17’55.0″S 152°57’48.7″E on Lavarack Road. There is no school zone on Old North Road. I have now submitted this information via feedback.

    As for the speed limits, maybe I have a setting on my Hema HN7 that ignores speed limits on minor roads and streets. For instance, it does not show a speed limit when driving on Oxford Street, Joyner 27°17’11.5″S 152°56’50.3″E, even though Oxford Street has a 60km/h speed in Map Creator.

    Ewan Lewis

    Hi Peter,

    Thanks for feedback & info.

    Out of curiosity re my own GPS, a Garmin unit (all the latest software), I did some GPS travel simulations of my own re your two areas of concern, since our units use the same company’s map data, i.e. HERE. Here’s my results:

    1. I have no Speed Limit indication at all along that School zone outside Bray Park High School on Lavarack Rd, either a bit before or a bit after. Testing done outside of Schoolzone time & day. I might test next week during schoolzone time as a matter for my own curiosity for my GPS. Are QLD Schoolzones 40km/hr? I assume normal speed limit is 50km/hr? I assume you tested during schoolzone time & day?

    2. Re Oxford St., Joiner. I tested with my Garmin unit (between 67 & 7 Oxford st) I don’t show a Speed Limit speed for this street on my Garmin unit either. I did however test driving from 7 Oxford St to 22 North Ashton Ct & I did get a speed limit indication of 70kms on Youngs Crossing Rd, MapCreator shows 60km. I’m assuming my GPS speed is wrong? What speed do you show on your GPS? And what’s correct? I get 60km speed limit for that part of Samsonvale Rd leading to Dundee St, but also no speed limits showing from Dundee St, Devon St or North Ashton Drive.

    I now recall noticing some of this for Sydney in 2015 & I enquired with Here about it in 2015. If I recall correctly in Sydney urban area if no speed limit speed is shown on GPS then default speed should be 50km/hr in residential streets. Are residential streets in Qld 50km/hr? I understand there is a considerable delay in incorporating speed limit data from MapCreator into Here’s Master Map, maybe there’s all sorts of logistical, validation & legal hoops for Here to jump through for data acceptance with speed limits(?) – I simply don’t know. Emails with pics or videos of speed limits to Shona should help speed up the process at this stage for acceptance with the master maps.

    BTW How many map updates do you get with HEMA in a year? It’s 4 with Garmin for me. The process time for appearance of map edits from MapCreator edit to Garmin MapFile availability used to be about 12 months, now down to around 5-8 months I think, at least for changes to roads that don’t include speed limit changes.

    I’m yet to determine after over 2 years of Garmin GPS usage if speed limit changes are happening within my Garmin GPS. Map Creator contributors have only had access to editing Speed Limits in MapCreator since late 2016 if memory serves me correctly.

    I hope Shona can help you out & enlighten us further. I hope I’ve been of some assistance.


    Peter Clinch

    Hi Ewan,
    The normal speed limit on Lavarack Road is 60km/h, and it drops to 40 during school zone times, which are 7-9am and 2-4pm. These are the standard times in Qld, but there are exceptions. The HN7 has told me to slow down either side of these hours when driving through school zones, so I’m not sure that the times are set correctly in Map Creator. Next time it happens, I’ll take note of the time.
    Youngs Crossing Road was 70km/h from just north of the Samsonvale Road intersection, but was changed (last year??) to 60, from Samsonvale Road almost to Francis Road. More recently, it has become a school zone almost to Oxford Street, but it already comes up on the GPS as a school zone. I guess someone must have reported it as soon as it was declared.
    In Qld, most residential streets are 50km/h, but there are exceptions at 60km/h.
    Old North Road, near Lavarack Road is listed as residential, but the speed limits appear on the HN7. Old north is really a major through road anyway, and shouldn’t be listed as residential, maybe i should be classed as Local Access..
    I’ll have to check to see how many updates we get per year with the Hema, because we haven’t had it very long. I’ll get back to you.
    Thanks for your interest and help.

    Oceania Community

    Hi Peter and Ewan,

    Peter – I see you’ve submitted these speed limit changes via Map Feedback option now. Thanks for doing this. I will check on this and ensure it gets taken care of.

    Ewan’s comments are correct that Map Creator contributor’s can’t change these directly, so feedback is the best way to update. Thanks for contributing to the discussion Ewan – all very helpful advice!

    We can’t provide further details on what happens with the map data once it’s supplied to HEMA – you would need ot get that information from HEMA themselves.

    I’ll followup with our technical customer support to see if i can get further answers about this.

    Regards, Shona

    Peter Clinch

    Thanks Shona,

    Is there a description anywhere of the exact meanings of Road types, Residential, Local Access, Main etc.?

    I am wondering if Hema ignores the speed limit for some road types.


    Shona Chisholm

    Hi Peter – we are actually working on a set of descriptions for these to make it clearer. Will share around in the next week or two.

    Peter Clinch

    Thanks again Shona. Looking forward to this.

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