Forums North America United States Import .GPX for Personal Waypoints

This topic contains 1 replies, has 2 voice, and was last updated by Alonso Victal Cano 3 years, 1 month ago
  • Frank Leventhal

    Hopefully a simple question. I see that I can Import my waypoints via .GPX but it looks like the only option is for them to be uploaded to the master Database. I have the waypoints named so that I know what they are when I return to a city or region but that may not be way they should appear to everyone. I’ve been using .GPX waypoints for over a decade and have transfered them between multiple Devices and Phones. Was hoping to just be able to use them integrated with the app but not have to have them approved for mass consumption in the master database. is that possible? Can i use personal waypoints in my on.gpx file? hopefully it’s easier to do than what I am trying with Map Creator. Import seems easy but then it says my waypoints will be reviewed and, if approved, included in the next map release. When I look in the app it doesn’t have my waypoints selectable as destinations. I wouldn’t expect most of my waypoints to be of interest to the masses or to be named in a way that what makes sense to anyone but me. This looks like a decent travel app but I am having difficulty determining if it fits my needs… Thanks in advance! -Frank

    Alonso Victal Cano

    Hi, please try cutting your big files in smaller ones

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