Forums Western Europe Belgium How to know if modification are accepted or rejected ?

This topic contains 12 replies, has 2 voice, and was last updated by Eric Oeder 2 years, 10 months ago
  • David François

    Hello, I’m just a Vovlo V60 owner since few months. One of my complain is the navigation map that are awful ! I found quickly a lot of mistake about road that are not correct. Roundabout not on the map but created since many years (even in Brussels). One way road not updated,…

    I check to how can I help to make correction. I see that I can bring some help with “Here Map Creator” and I made quickly a dozen of modification. Since 1 week, I dont know if my modification are accepted, rejected or waiting for someone to have a look.

    How can I be informed about the follow-up of my modifications ?
    Thanks for help,

    Eric Oeder

    Hello David,
    first of all a general question: Does the system in your car use HERE maps? I know that most of the OEM systems are using HERE maps but I don´t have an overview at the moment.
    To check the status of your edits you can either select the relevant link and see the status below the attribute table/window, or you can check the status in your own dashboard at the left side of the map (Your Stuff and then Your Feed). There you can filter by edit type.
    At the moment the moderation process takes a bit longer unfortunately but no edit will be lost.

    David François

    Hello Eric,

    First, thank you for your help, your explanation was clear and I cand find where and what are my modification status.

    Second, yes I’m sure that my car use Here maps for now. New Volvo that are release this year use Google maps now but my car (2021 model) use Volvo Sensus navigation and map came from Here.

    Third, I can’t understand how is it possible in 2021 to have a such bad reliabilty in the map update ! Roundabout created 5 years ago in Brussels that are not updating… How is it possible ? Same for one way street… And when we came to give help for moodification, it takes to many time to check. (with satellites view, it is easy to check normally, or better you can check to Waze or Google map)

    Eric Oeder

    Hi David,
    feel free to send me the examples in detail you have in mind per mail to the benelux email address. Then I will have a deeper look.

    David François

    1st example : Rue François Couteaux, 1090 Jette. It became 1 way direction since 1 year
    2nd example : The intersection between avenue Charles Woest and boulevard deSmet de Nayer which has been a roundabout for years.
    3rd : The rue de la Fontaine in Libramont-Chevigny has become one-way until its half for more than 2 years! (see photos) Correction made but rejected!

    David François

    Rue François Couteaux is 1 way road now

    David François

    Roundabout Charles Woeste-Desmet de Nayer

    Eric Oeder

    Hi David,
    Rue François Couteaux, 1090 Jette: Your edit was not rejected but still pending due to a conflict with Speed Limit. Should now be fine, one way coding is installed.
    Intersection between avenue Charles Woest and boulevard deSmet de Nayer: Your edits from August 15th are all still pending. As this is part of ADAS coding the moderation needs a while because of its complexity on main roads in the Core Map. Please also consider the newest blogpost and the articles in the “What´s new” section about the prioritization of SL edits due to ISA regulations.
    Rue de la Fontaine in Libramont-Chevigny: There was an overlapping of your created geometry which was the reason for the moderation delay. Now should be fine. Speed of 50km/h is correct over there?

    David François

    Rue de la Fontaine, speedlimit is 50km/h at the beginning,, after 50 meters is 30km:H (school area) and i, the right turn is 50km/H.

    You can check on Google street for more precision… 😉

    David François

    By the way, concerning intersection between avenue Charles Woest and boulevard deSmet de Nayer. If you look on Google Streetview you can see in historicaal picture that the roundabout is already present in mai 2017 !

    Nobody see this changement since 4 years in this small countryside called “Brussels” ???

    Eric Oeder

    I will create an internal ticket to speed up the process.

    David François


    Ijust check for the roundabout Charles Woest and Desmet de Nayer street and it appears in red with “reverted” inscription ???

    Is that means that the roundabout will not be integrated in futur update ?

    Eric Oeder

    will be, ticket is in process. It´s now separate from MC as the Core Map team is handling this.

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