Forums Western Europe Switzerland How to correct a wrong route?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voice, and was last updated by Eric Oeder 3 years, 6 months ago
  • Hansjuerg Wuethrich

    I have a Problem with the following Area: See here:,8.7494,18,satellite

    If you want to guide to Obermülisrasse 21 / 23 and so on, then you will be guided to Luppmenstrasse on the other side of the Houses! BUT this is not a good route! Because there is small bridge and you can’t use your car for this bridge ! And there is only the Back yard and not the entry for the houses! How can i change the route ? Do you know what i ,mean ? I can provide you a screenshot and all informations you need! It’s my first change and i don’t know how to do it right!

    Thank you !

    Hansjuerg Wuethrich

    IMPORTANT! That’s strange…. please take my sorry!! But it seems the problem was already fixed!! I swear mid December the problem was there since months! And now it’s fixed!! Thank you and sorry for my entry it was not necessary and it was also in the wrong forum!! All the Best !!

    Eric Oeder

    Even better, good to hear that.
    Whenever you have an issue or any doubts while using the MC please reach out to us.
    Best regards

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