Forums General How much time required to publish en edit ?

This topic contains 10 replies, has 7 voice, and was last updated by Billy Chong 9 months, 2 weeks ago
  • Hasan Shahed

    Hello !
    I am from Bangladesh. I added some features. 3/4 days already been gone but still these are under review. How much time it will require to publish into the map & what is the process of review ?

    Hasan Shahed

    Shona Chisholm

    Hello Hasan, thanks for your edits. We have a team that moderate the edits – and verify against various sources. This generally takes around two weeks, but does depend on the location as well.

    Hasan Shahed

    Dear Shona Chisholm,

    Thanks for your quick reply.
    If moderate team can review our edits quickly then we will get inspiration to do more edits. Do you have any member from Bangladesh in the moderate team ?


    Eddy De Clercq

    2 weeks of moderation is a very optimistic and i.m.o. unrealistic time frame.

    Hasan Shahed

    Yes, it is too much time to review any edit by taking two weeks.

    I am developing Google Maps since 2010. I am a trusted moderator at Google Maps. We have a community named “Mapping Bangladesh”. Mapping Bangladesh is taking care of Google Maps (Bangladesh portion). Recently I learned about from one of my colleague. So I am trying to develop it. I found so many wrong locations at Trying to make correction but it is taking too much time to review and I am loosing my patience.

    I have so many data which can be updated. District boundary, Upazila (sub-district) Boundary, Union boundary need to be updated but before that latest satellite image is required.


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Hasan Shahed.
    Eddy De Clercq

    The same feeling here in Belgium, Europe. It takes a (long) while before things get active. Furtermore it takes even longer before one can find the result in the latest Garmin map update.

    Jan (HERE Moderator)

    The update cycle for the different HERE products are very different depending on the product. The most recent updates can be found at with an update cycle of two weeks. For third party products which are using our HERE maps the release cycle depends on the products release cycle 2 weeks up to 1 year.

    Eddy De Clercq

    That’s the standard answer we always get. In these times of modern communication, such a long update cycle is unacceptable.
    But even at Here, updates are taking way to long and even then it’s not certain that things are done properly. I have an example where I added a Waze (can you figure) screenshot in order to show how it should be done.

    Juan Jose Iglesias

    Hi from Bolivia, I have made more than 14 thousand editions in the last 14 days and so far NONE of them has been included in the Map I have more than 30 thousand editions in OpenStreepMap (OSM) and all of them came live in few hours using the OSMAND + app in the Android / OS environments; and the OSM data could – fresh daily – be uploaded to GARMIN GPS and to Cars in-dash systems like Volkswagen and Peugeot that originally came with Here Maps, but the quality and time delay of updating of the Here Maps is near to poor not to said pathetic.

    Also Here Map Creator lack of predictive markings in the roads like Fords, Speed Bumps, Traffic Lights, etc; that are part of the “Drive Smart”and “Drive Assist” concept, in other words predictive and not reactive driving.

    What are the Plans of Here for the Map Creator concept? that we only trace lines over the Satellite Pictures? without even the capacity to include a population, or a hazard in the roads?

    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by Juan Jose Iglesias.
    Bjarne Dein

    Hi HERE,

    What can be done to speed this up?
    And next: What will you do to make it happen?

    Billy Chong

    Same here too in Malaysia.. Its more then 3 weeks and still under review

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