Forums Oceania Australia How long will it take to learn the basics of AWS?

This topic contains 1 replies, has 2 voice, and was last updated by Diane Sawyer Sawyer 8 months ago
  • Ishan Bisht

    If you’re new to cloud computing, it’s important to understand the basic concepts such as virtualization, scalability, elasticity, and the shared responsibility model.

    Explore AWS services: AWS offers a vast array of services across various domains like compute, storage, networking, databases, security, and more. Begin by learning about core services like Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud), Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service), Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service), and Amazon VPC (Virtual Private Cloud). As you progress, you can delve into other services based on your specific interests and requirements.

    aws course in pune

    Diane Sawyer Sawyer

    Looking to learn the basics of AWS Consider the option to Take My Class for comprehensive guidance. Enrolling in a structured course can provide you with the foundation needed to navigate Amazon Web Services effectively.

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