Forums General How long for update?

This topic contains 8 replies, has 8 voice, and was last updated by rin rin 4 months, 2 weeks ago

    After and update is submitted, how long before it is released?

    Jan (HERE Moderator)

    After a change has been verified it will be ingested into our core repositories within 2 to 4 weeks. The release times are different from the product. In the change should be visible after verification within 2 to 6 weeks.

    M _

    But how about the time taken to verify a change? That seems to take way longer than weeks.

    ben bemer

    Thank you for the information provided

    James Snowden

    Thank you for the information provided

    Albert Ketteler

    The trick is to always track your changes, this is you can do under dashboard and then selecting one of your changes. You will also get email updates on the progress. Works fine with me. Almost all my changes are accepted and updated.

    Cityway Account

    How about the average time to be available in the Navigation SDK?

    rin rin

    Verification from 4 weeks to 6 weeks is too long. In Vietnam, the speed limit is not up to 90% accurate. I have improved the speed limit in some places, but updating the application takes a long time. Is there a way, like the Waze app, to update maps in only about 2 days?

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