Forums Eastern Europe Russia How do you tell if ED is physical or mental?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voice, and was last updated by Davit Jack` 1 month, 1 week ago
  • roy davis

    There are physical and psychological reasons of erectile dysfunction (ED), as well as sometimes a mix of the two. It might be difficult to distinguish between mental and physical factors since they often overlap. For a comprehensive assessment, speaking with a healthcare expert is imperative. If ED appears gradually over time and is accompanied by other physical symptoms, including altered sexual desire, diminished libido, or trouble getting or keeping an erection, it may indicate a medical problem.

    As people age, illnesses including diabetes and cardiovascular disease, hormonal changes, and decreased blood flow may all contribute to an increased risk of ED.Diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and neurological abnormalities are a few examples of underlying medical issues that might exacerbate ED.

    Kevin Martin

    Physical causes of ED can include underlying medical conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, hormonal imbalances, or neurological disorders.

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    Davit Jack`

    It is rare to come across a specialist with whom you may have some confidence. In the world in the present day, nobody genuinely cares about showing others the best way in this matter. How fortunate I am to have found a wonderful blog like this. It’s people like you exactly who make a true difference nowadays through the concepts they write about.

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