Forums Eastern Europe Georgia Get Phone Number on Android 10

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voice, and was last updated by ava james 1 year, 2 months ago
  • Travis Drot

    How to read phone number in Android 10 usinh B4A ? Thansk for your advice.

    Ramzik Gusli

    thank you very much for your advice Erel!

    Hamo Brulik

    If you’re looking for a way to read phone numbers on Android 10 using B4A, I might be able to help. One approach is to use the TelephonyManager class in B4A to retrieve the phone number of the current device. You can use the getLine1Number() method to retrieve the phone number as a string.
    If you’re just looking for some [random phone numbers australia]( for testing purposes, you can check out websites like quackr. They offer random phone numbers that you can use without worrying about accidentally calling or messaging someone. Hope this helps!

    ava james

    Nice post thanks for sharing. lightinthebox discount code

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