Forums Western Europe Germany "Florinsmarkt" as "Parking lot road" or as "residential"

This topic contains 1 replies, has 2 voice, and was last updated by Eric Oeder 5 years, 10 months ago
  • Marius Geis

    I have added these roads with road type "parking lot road".
    They have now been changed to road type "residential".
    Here's a picture of the roads in question.
    As you can see in the picture, the "roads" have lots of parking spaces on both sides.

    Considering the picture, can you please verify that these are "residential" roads?

    Eric Oeder

    Hi Marius,
    the streets you are refering to are “Residential” and not “Parking Lot Roads”. “Parking Lot Roads” are, as stated in the User Guide (2.5.), part of bigger parking lots/spaces at companies like Real, Ikea, etc.

    Best regards

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