Forums North America Mexico Error in the street in my bussines

This topic contains 1 replies, has 2 voice, and was last updated by Alonso Victal Cano 6 years, 5 months ago
  • Karla Coello

    I need help to change the direction of my business, I have had the same problem with the other maps like waze and google maps and I been solving it, now Ifind the same mistake.
    My adress is 27 A norte 1019 and the maps sends them to 29 B norte two blocks away and I need to solve it urgently. Thanks!!! .. By the way I look in help and I read the instructions but I dont see the option in there.
    I put some screenshots so the mouse pointer is in the right place .
    Dr. Karla Coello

    Alonso Victal Cano

    Hola Karla:
    Será un gusto poder ayudarte
    ¿me puedes por favor escribir a
    Para que te pueda orientar y enviar un manual para poder editar, por favor en el correo dime el rubro de tu negocio

    Saludos cordiales

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