Forums Western Europe Ireland drawing roads

This topic contains 1 replies, has 2 voice, and was last updated by Claire Robinson 3 years, 1 month ago
  • Damien Madden

    when i draw a road will this be added to the up dated maps ? If not how long does it take please. Thank you , Also is there some one i can talk to on the phone about this ? or 0860215724

    Claire Robinson

    Hi Damien,
    Thanks for your edits.
    Of course, your edits will go through our validation process and then be integrated into our database, thus then being input into our multiple platforms.
    Was it a particular system you were looking for details on regarding when the update will show? This does vary between platforms and in car systems. For example, your edit will be visible within 2-4 weeks on and in our App herewego, but will of course only be updated when your car takes the next update/is updated to the next map.
    Hope that helps, please do feel free to email for anything else and more support.

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