Forums Western Europe Luxembourg Different Problems

This topic contains 15 replies, has 2 voice, and was last updated by Pierre Carier 4 years, 9 months ago
  • Pierre Carier


    I have different problems with the Mapcreator:

    1. I still can’t add road closures in Luxembourg where I live, but every other country around???? I already asked that here in forum but there was no answer for the moment.

    2. I still have roads blocked, I can’t edit all the segments, should this not be resolved since December 2018?

    3. When I add or change a road segment and it’s approved, I often find the segment afterwards with the road name I added deleted or the segment disconnected, junctions removed. Why?

    Perhaps there solutions for that or I didn’t understand some of the rules

    Thanks a lot!

    Kleoniki Rerra

    Hello Pierre,
    Thank you for your message.
    Regarding the road closures for Luxembourg we already communicated the problem with the team responsible for it and is on progress to fix it.
    You mention roads that are blocked and you cannot edit could you give me some examples to be able to understand the problem?
    And if it is possible can you give me some examples of the changes that you make and are not implemented in the end?(is this regarding the highway’s, because I already communicate that problem and it is under investigation)
    Kind regards,

    Pierre Carier

    Hello and thank you for your reply!

    Blocked roads:,6.011251654811076,20,0,0,

    Routing is wrong here because there are seperated lanes, so I tried to change this road but I can’t.

    I will search for a segment which was approved but changed or disconnected with the approval

    best regards,

    Pierre Carier


    another curiosity:,6.011251654811076,20,0,0,

    The ramp going to the left in the middle of the link, I changed it so that turning right is forbidden, which is true and can be clearly seen on the image. Change refused, so if I understand, turning right stays allowed which is not the case.

    All similar changes have been refused

    best regards,

    Pierre Carier
    Pierre Carier
    Pierre Carier


    here you have another example:,6.15752308961882,20,0,0,

    I changed the existing residential road to a trail, because there no longer a road but a bicycle trail. After approval of the trail a new residential road was added, but not by me.

    best regards,

    Pierre Carier

    here a recent example of a removed junction and one segment changed from residental to pedestrian road, which is not correct. i din’t add it like that,5.89183218650814,20,0,0,

    best regards,

    I stop editing for the moment until these problems with changements and removed junctions are solved
    If I missunderstood something, please explain me

    best regards,

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Pierre Carier.
    Pierre Carier


    my last example, again disconnected:,5.901837638063313,19,0,0,

    Others in the same city, but I will not correct it again.

    Edits updated by Kiran Sapkale

    best regards,

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Pierre Carier.
    Kleoniki Rerra

    Hello Pierre,
    Thank you for your examples.
    We will have a look at them and get back to you.
    Kind regards,

    Pierre Carier


    reporting road closures is now working


    Kleoniki Rerra

    Hello Pierre,
    We would like to thank you for your understanding, patience and support. We will get back to you with the rest of your questions.
    Kind Regards,

    Pierre Carier


    just to get on with problems.,6.128726405092266,20,0,0,

    I tried to close this route editing it so that no routing on it would be possible anymore.

    Never take it personally when I write here, but I wonder if your moderators are looking at the very accurate satellite images. They would see that the entire road is closed and used as a parking for the moment. It will not be reopened again.

    Thanks a lot for your reply!

    Pierre Carier

    just saw that updates I made were again disconnected, Updates even clear in Mappilary and on the images refused. I’m looking forward to delete my account

    Pierre Carier


    I’ll try it again, by adding the original plans published by the administration. Perhaps this will help


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