Forums Eastern Europe Northern Macedonia Corrections limitation

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voice, and was last updated by ava james 1 year, 4 months ago
  • Erik Petersen

    I manage a business in 2 sites in Dolna Matka, Macedonia. Here Maps shows right location in Map creator but moves it to the wrong place on the actual map. When I try and correct it I get an arrow to the wrong place!

    I am told I cannot submit corrections here but the avenue for corrections does not allow me to actually explain the problem. How can I go forward with this?

    Erik Petersen

    The bottom pic has things where they actually should be.

    Aleksandar Todorov


    Could you please provide a bit more details what is the issue. As per the screenshots and description, we could not understand exactly.

    The HERE Map Creator Team

    Erik Petersen

    On the Here Map Creator I have added my businesses in their actual location. But the Here Map puts them in a different location. When I submit the corrections again it still puts them in the wrong location.

    All I can do is submit a correction without any explanation. If I cannot explain the problem how can I get it fixed?

    Here Maps seems to think Ulica 2 is only in one place so my business must be at that place and moves it to that place. The address is overriding the location and since Here has Ulica 2 as being shorter than it is, my business is being moved to where it is not.

    Aleksandar Todorov

    Hello Mr. Peterson,

    Thank you for the additional clarification. Seems there is gap in the naming and addresses in that area. There are two options in this case:
    – Add your business at the right location, as far as we see this street is unnamed and no addresses in the Map, but with no address details. Please send us official street name and address, as per the registration of your business and we wll add these details to the street as well to your business.
    – You can also make these corrections by yourself directly to the street. I mean you can add name and address to this street.
    Just let us know whatever you prefer and let us know.
    Sorry for this complications.
    And thank you for making HERE map more accurate!
    The HERE team.

    ava james

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