Forums General Confirming other peoples' changes in Map Creator

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voice, and was last updated by Jan (HERE Moderator) 4 years, 11 months ago
  • Peter Wells

    When a user is asked to confirm/deny/don’t know changes that have been made by someone else how do we know what has changed?
    For example, in one of my adopted areas there have been changes to road geometry. Is there any way of being able to compare “before” and “now”?

    Peter W

    Robert Joop

    For example, when Map Creator asks me whether a road should be removed, how am I supposed to judge the change when it does not highlight the road in question?

    Also, the “edit” pencil there doesn’t seem to have any function, clicking on it has no effect.

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by Robert Joop.
    John Manning

    This is a great question – hopefully there will be an answer some day.

    Jan HERE

    Thank you for your feedback. This functionality you are asking for is actually not available for deleted objects. We are constantly working on tool improvements and will take that into consideration.

    John Manning

    Ian, you mention that this functionality isn’t available for deleted objects. How do you see the before and after details for updated objects?
    Thanks for your help.

    Jan (HERE Moderator)

    This is also not availbale. You may only compare to the imagery.

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