Forums Western Europe Belgium Change not updated yet

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voice, and was last updated by Map Creator Benelux 5 years, 6 months ago
  • Sophie Petit

    I posted this change several weeks ago, this is a start/end of motorway, so it's quite an important road (FC2 I guess, controlled access?). When will the change be implemented into the db?

    Map Creator Benelux

    Dear Sophie,

    Thank you for you Map Feedback. Even though forum is not the place to submit Map feedback, I will investigate it as it’s a petty serious remark, and let you know. Thank you again!


    Sophie Petit

    I did submit this change in a proper way. Here, I’m just asking why it takes so much time to update a change on an important road. Thanks for taking care of this request

    Map Creator Benelux

    You are totally right Dear Sophie. I am investigating it and will keep you posted!

    Thank you for your patience.


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